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When people recommend high quality products to their friends they frequently miss out on the referral rewards that they are entitled to when their friends buy products on account of their recommendation.
When people recommend high quality products to their friends they frequently miss out on the referral rewards that they are entitled to when their friends buy products on account of their recommendation.
This happens because either:
  1. They do not expect a monetary reward and are motivated to help their friends find great products; or because
  1. They are simply unaware of that they are entitled to a reward; or because
  1. Major online retailers do not have proper functionality in place to capture the source of the referred purchases; or because
  1. Existing referral programs of the majority of online retailers like Amazon are difficult to use for the regular consumer and their usability is skewed towards experienced social media influencers or affiliate marketing businesses
In the course of social product discovery billions of dollars in lost referral rewards are left on the table and online retailers keep it for themselves because their customers do not attempt or know how to take advantage of it.


Lost product referrals rewards