Consumers frequently miss out on the cash rewards that should be entitled to them on account of new sales profits that result from their friends buying products based on their recommendations. In existing referral programs consumers are only able to earn an unfairly small fraction of the profits their recommendations generate.
Solution [1]→ Deep integration with the purchase flow
In today’s capitalistic system, the salary compensation and share of profits allocated to individual team members does not accurately reflect the true economic value that results from their productivity. This productivity-pay gap continues to grow even despite an increase in overall economic output and business profits.
Solution [2]→ Provably fair auto profit distribution
In most online retail operations the idle capital is underutilized because the directors choose to keep money in the bank or make payouts to the operationally inactive shareholders instead of investing it in growing the business operations, increasing employee salaries or contributing to social responsibility programs.
Solution [3]→ Auto maximized capital utilization
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs lack authenticity and primarily seek to benefit the shareholders. Their objectives are often misaligned with company mission and core values which creates redundancies and unnecessarily stretches the company’s finances thus negatively affecting the overall business performance.
Solution [4]→ Auto mission-guided social impact