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We are the world's first socially conscious, community owned and governed online marketplace that offers an assortment of consumer-curated products and shares the profit from their sales for public benefit, so that everyone on our planet can lead healthier, happier and more harmonious lives!
We are the world's first socially conscious, community owned and governed online marketplace that offers an assortment of consumer-curated products and shares the profit from their sales for public benefit, so that everyone on our planet can lead healthier, happier and more harmonious lives!
What makes us different?
What makes us different?
ProductShare is building a decentralized marketplace platform that:
  1. Enables brands, vendors and customers to seamlessly and democratically collaborate on curating a continually expanding digital assortment of best rated ethically manufactured and sustainable consumer products.
  1. Shares the generated sales profits equally and autonomously among the full spectrum of stakeholders that make up our community and community elected social impact initiatives.
  1. Operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that is owned and governed on the blockchain by our community