
The ProductShare Core Values

Personal Values

These are the values we live by and and hope that our example will inspire our customers to follow them too.
These are the values we live by and and hope that our example will inspire our customers to follow them too.
Our 3 Core Personal Values are more than just words. They're a way of life. We strive to nurture the following values in ourselves and everything we sell or do must be towards growth in one of these core areas of personal development. Together these three values form an unbreakable chain where each link depends on the one before it. Health, being the first and most critical of the three values, is the precursor to every other core value on this list; if you don’t have your health, you can’t do much else until you do. You can only start scratching the surface of Happiness once your Health is in complete order and only by being both Healthy and Happy, you stand a chance to live a Harmonious balanced life. These 3 values are the inspiration for all products you will find on ProductShare because our we will uncompromisingly stand by our mission to empower everyone on this planet to lead Healthy, Happy and Harmonious lives.

Operating Values

Our operating values guide everything we do as a company.
Our operating values guide everything we do as a company.
At ProductShare, we crafted our operating values using inputs from our team, as well as learning from our past as reflections of our Company Principles in action. We wanted them to encompass not just how we currently act, think, and work together, but also to demonstrate where we are headed as a company. Besides being distinctive, these beliefs create a framework for all our actions. These values guide everything we do, including how we interact with our employees, how we interact with our customers and community, and how we interact with our vendors and business partners.

The 4 Tenets of Conscious Capitalism

The 4 tenets of Conscious Capitalism
The 4 tenets of Conscious Capitalism
Conscious Capitalism as a business model rests on four tenets: Higher Purpose, Stakeholder Integration, Conscious Leadership, and Conscious Culture. It is in the first two of these tenets—Higher Purpose and Stakeholder integration—where the motives of Conscious Capitalism clearly diverge from the mainstream, profit-maximizing model of capitalism. Rather than seeking to maximize profits, the goal for conscious firms is to create value for everyone who interacts with the business and to work toward a worthwhile purpose.
ProductShare Values
ProductShare Values

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