
ProductShare DAO Q4 Operations Plan

1. Executive Summary

The primary objective of this operational plan is to successfully launch the StakeShare token with sufficient liquidity depth to ensure that the DAO is properly capitalized and can operate effectively. This is a critical step in transitioning ProductShare from a Delaware Inc. to a fully decentralized DAO LLC and in relaunching the ProductShare marketplace as a web3 native dApp. These initiatives are fundamental to aligning ProductShare’s operations with our long-term vision of creating a community-governed e-commerce platform that maximizes public benefit, profitability, and social impact.

Objective 1: Complete Transition from Delaware Inc. to DAO LLC

This objective is focused on the transition of ProductShare into a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), ensuring a smooth integration of stakeholders and the establishment of a robust governance framework. The key sub-objectives include:
  • Token Distribution and Community Transition: Distribute StakeShare tokens to collaborators, transitioning our community from Telegram to a token-gated Discord environment, thereby creating a secure and engaged community platform essential for decentralized governance.
  • DAO Platform Onboarding: Onboard all token holders to our DAO platform, ensuring that our governance model is fully operational and accessible to all stakeholders.
  • Publication of Updated Whitepaper and Roadmap: Publish an updated whitepaper and tokenomics document, providing clarity and transparency on our strategic direction and value proposition.
  • KPI Dashboard Setup: Establish a KPI dashboard with live data feeds on key metrics such as balance sheet, sales, and treasury status, enabling real-time oversight and informed decision-making.
  • DAO Funding through Awareness Campaign: Launch an awareness campaign culminating in a token sale on Juicebox.money, strategically timed to coincide with the achievement of specific social metrics like community growth and the number of service providers accepting StakeShare tokens.
  • Liquidity Pool Launch: Launch a strategic liquidity pool for StakeShare in partnership with ApeBond and ICHI. This liquidity pool is critical to ensuring price stability, sufficient market engagement, and proper capitalization of the DAO, with initial liquidity set at $50,000 USD and 114,000 PSS tokens at a launch price of approximately $0.44.
  • Finalization of Team Selection and Agreements: Finalize the core team selection and formalize agreements to ensure alignment and drive the next phase of growth.

Objective 2: Relaunch ProductShare Marketplace as a Web3 Native dApp

This technical objective aims to re-establish ProductShare as a cutting-edge web3 e-commerce platform. The sub-objectives include:
  • Web3 Login and Wallet Integration: Integrate web3 login capabilities and a user wallet provider, allowing users to securely interact with the platform using blockchain technology.
  • Switch to Radom for Web3 Payment Processing: Transition to Radom as our exclusive provider for web3 payment processing, ensuring secure, efficient, and decentralized transactions.
  • Redeployment of Store Using Catalyst.dev: Redeploy the ProductShare marketplace as a standalone application using Catalyst.dev, enhancing scalability, security, and user experience.

Alignment with ProductShare’s Vision

These objectives are crucial to achieving our vision of a decentralized, community-governed e-commerce platform. By launching the StakeShare token with sufficient liquidity and relaunching the marketplace as a web3 native dApp, ProductShare will not only ensure proper capitalization of the DAO but also reinforce its commitment to social impact and conscious capitalism. These efforts will position ProductShare as a leader in integrating blockchain technology with socially conscious business practices, driving long-term value for all stakeholders.

2. Operational Objectives

Objective 1: Complete Transition from Delaware Inc. to DAO LLC

  1. Token Distribution and Community Transition
      • Tactics:
        • Finalize transfer of all Assets and IP from iProductShare Inc. to ProductShare DAO LLC.
        • Write and publish a memo announcing the completion of the legal migration to a DAO LLC, including links to the Operating Agreement, token contract address, and treasury address.
        • Provide a short update on the current status of the business, including bank balances, inventory of assets such as Herbon and Rareform and the DAO's goals.
        • Send an email to existing shareholders of iProductShare Inc. notifying them of their pro-rata eligibility to purchase tokens at $0.0111, with forfeited tokens going to new community contributors.
        • Follow up with private sale participants who received refunds from Conda, encouraging them to reclaim their StakeShare allocation with exclusive discounts.
        • Send an email to advisors to renew their advisor commitments under the new DAO structure.
        • Publish a memo outlining that all executive compensation will be determined by group consensus, with current executives working on a volunteer basis until the treasury can afford salaries, compensated in StakeShare and reputation within the DAO.
        • Launch a memo and campaign to recruit the first 1,000 community members to participate in the Beta test of the potential DAO Frameworks, with 333 StakeShare allocated per participant.
        • Outline the roles available for community contribution, such as social media managers for Telegram/Discord and grant application managers.
      • KPIs:
        • Number of community members transitioned to the token-gated Discord server.
        • Number of shareholders and advisors who confirm participation or renew their commitment.
        • Number of new contributors onboarded through the Colony DAO Framework Beta test.
        • Percentage of executives who agree to the volunteer compensation structure.
        • Completion and distribution of legal documents and memos.
  1. DAO Platform Onboarding
    1. We will conduct simultaneous beta tests to determine the most suitable DAO platform for ProductShare's long-term use. The platforms under consideration are:
    2. Colony.io:
        • Offers a comprehensive, user-friendly, and scalable DAO toolkit. Features include token issuance, reputation-based governance, and "lazy consensus" for efficient decision-making. Colony minimizes friction in DAO setup and operation, making it a strong contender for ProductShare's decentralized governance needs.
    3. App.cg:
        • A modern platform focused on community governance, providing robust tools for task management, voting, and community engagement. Its emphasis on simplicity and transparency makes it appealing for engaging a broad community with varying levels of technical expertise.
    4. Charmverse.io:
        • Known for seamless integration with web3 tools, Charmverse offers a user-centric approach to DAO management. It features advanced tools for managing tasks, treasury, and workflows, suiting teams that prioritize a highly customizable and flexible environment.
      • Launch concurrent beta tests on Colony, App.cg, and Charmverse.
      • Provide comprehensive onboarding instructions and support for each platform to ensure full community engagement in the beta tests.
      • Gather participant feedback on usability, features, integration capabilities, and overall satisfaction with each platform.
      • Track key metrics across all three platforms to assess performance and community engagement.
      • User Engagement: Active users on each platform during the beta period.
      • Usability Feedback: User satisfaction scores from surveys and direct feedback.
      • Feature Utilization: Analysis of core feature usage frequency and effectiveness (e.g., voting, task management, treasury management).
      • Integration Success: Ease of integrating ProductShare's existing infrastructure with each platform's tools and APIs.
      • Community Growth: Increase in active community members during the beta tests.
      • Decision Metric: Final platform selection based on scalability, user experience, and alignment with ProductShare's long-term governance goals.
      This approach will enable ProductShare to make an informed decision on the most effective platform for our decentralized governance and operations, ensuring we choose a solution that aligns with our vision and community needs.
  1. Publication of Updated Docs Portal with Latest Whitepaper and Roadmap
      • Tactics:
        • Draft and publish a new iteration of the whitepaper introducing ProductShare Checkout.
        • Summarize tokenomics and the issuance plan, including the private sale participants and the 1% retroactive cashback offer for all purchases at $0.33.
        • Publish a roadmap memo with concrete objectives, such as DAO Framework onboarding, Discord transition, liquidity launch, and store relaunch as a web3 native application.
      • KPIs:
        • Number of whitepaper downloads and community feedback submissions.
        • Number of wallets whitelisted for StakeShare purchase.
        • Percentage of ProductShare users claiming the 1% retroactive cashback.
        • Completion of roadmap milestones as outlined in the memo.
  1. KPI Dashboard Setup
      • Tactics:
        • Develop and launch a KPI dashboard with live data on key metrics such as the balance sheet, sales, treasury status, and tokenomics.
        • Ensure the dashboard is accessible to all stakeholders and provides real-time updates.
      • KPIs:
        • Time taken to develop and launch the KPI dashboard.
        • Number of stakeholders actively using the dashboard.
        • Frequency of updates and accuracy of the data presented on the dashboard.
  1. DAO Funding through Awareness Campaign
    1. Fundraising target: A minimum of $100,000, with a target of $1,100,000 or more.
      • Tactics:
        • Design and launch a targeted awareness campaign to increase social media engagement and community size, culminating in a token sale on Juicebox.money.
        • Monitor social metrics such as Twitter followers, Telegram community size, and the number of token holders willing to provide services in exchange for StakeShare tokens to trigger the campaign.
      • KPIs:
        • Growth in social media followers and engagement rates.
        • Number of new token holders participating in the campaign.
        • Funds raised during the token sale on Juicebox.money.
  1. Launch a liquidity pool for ETH/PSS tokens in partnership with ApeBond and ICHI once a minimum of $100,000 has been raised.
    1. About ApeBond and ICHI

      ApeBond is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that enables projects to raise liquidity and bootstrap decentralized exchanges (DEXs) by allowing users to bond their assets in exchange for governance tokens. This mechanism ensures that liquidity is locked in the protocol, providing stability and supporting the long-term growth of the token ecosystem. By partnering with ApeBond, ProductShare can secure a more robust and committed liquidity base, which is critical for maintaining token price stability and ensuring sufficient liquidity for trading on decentralized exchanges.
      ICHI is a protocol that allows projects to create and manage their own branded stablecoins and liquidity. ICHI helps projects like ProductShare to control their liquidity by creating a stable and sustainable environment for their tokens. The partnership with ICHI is crucial because it allows ProductShare to manage its liquidity more effectively, reduce reliance on volatile assets like ETH, and offer more predictable and stable trading conditions for the PSS token. By utilizing ICHI's stablecoin solutions, ProductShare can provide its community with greater confidence and security in the liquidity pool, attracting more participants and ensuring the long-term success of the PSS token.
      • Partner with ApeBond and ICHI to set up a liquidity pool on Uniswap or a similar decentralized exchange.
      • Initial liquidity will be supplied as $50,000 USD and 114,000 PSS, with the launch price set to approximately $0.44 per PSS.
      • Promote the liquidity pool launch through targeted community campaigns to ensure sufficient participation and awareness.
      • Implement a dashboard to monitor liquidity, price stability, and trading volume, allowing stakeholders to track the pool’s performance in real-time.
      • Set up a mechanism through which community members can contribute additional liquidity or stake their tokens for rewards, increasing pool depth and stability.
      • Funding Milestone: Achieve the $100,000 funding requirement to trigger the liquidity pool launch.
      • Liquidity Depth: Monitor the total value locked (TVL) in the liquidity pool post-launch.
      • Price Stability: Track the PSS token price stability relative to ETH post-launch.
      • Trading Volume: Monitor daily and weekly trading volumes to ensure sufficient liquidity and market activity.
      • Community Participation: Number of community members contributing to or staking in the liquidity pool.
      This comprehensive approach will ensure that ProductShare not only selects the most effective DAO platform for long-term governance but also successfully launches and maintains a robust liquidity pool for PSS tokens, ensuring price stability and market engagement.
  1. Finalization of Team Selection and Agreements
      • Tactics:
        • Finalize the selection of the core team and ensure all agreements are in place, aligning with the new DAO structure.
        • Confirm and document roles, responsibilities, and compensation agreements within the DAO framework.
      • KPIs:
        • Percentage of team positions filled with signed agreements.
        • Satisfaction levels of team members with the new structure (measured via surveys or feedback).
        • Completion of all required agreements by the target date.

Objective 2: Relaunch ProductShare Marketplace as a Web3 Native dApp

  1. Web3 Login and Wallet Integration
      • Tactics:
        • Integrate web3 login capabilities and a user wallet provider into the ProductShare marketplace.
        • Ensure seamless user experience with the new login process, including thorough testing and support for onboarding.
      • KPIs:
        • Number of users successfully logging in with web3 credentials.
        • Reduction in login-related support requests or issues.
        • User satisfaction scores post-integration.
  1. Switch to Radom for Web3 Payment Processing
      • Tactics:
        • Transition to Radom as the sole provider for web3 payment processing, ensuring smooth integration with the ProductShare platform.
        • Conduct a pilot test to ensure reliability and efficiency before full-scale deployment.
      • KPIs:
        • Successful completion of pilot test with no major issues.
        • Transaction success rate and speed post-transition.
        • Reduction in payment processing fees or errors.
  1. Redeployment of Store Using Catalyst.dev
      • Tactics:
        • Redeploy the ProductShare store as a standalone application using Catalyst.dev, focusing on improved performance and scalability.
        • Conduct performance testing to ensure the new deployment meets all operational needs.
      • KPIs:
        • Performance improvement metrics (e.g., load times, uptime) after redeployment.
        • Number of users reporting improved experience with the new store.
        • Time taken to complete the redeployment and resolve any post-launch issues.

3. Timeline and Milestones

Given the objectives and the 4-person team executing the plan, the following timeline includes both the operational and technical milestones, culminating in the successful relaunch of the ProductShare marketplace, the launch of the liquidity pool, and reaching key financial targets by December.

Week 1-2 (Aug 28 - Sep 8):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Finalize and distribute legal documents for the DAO LLC transition.
    • Publish initial memos to the community regarding the transition and key updates.
    • Begin recruitment for the first 1,000 participants in the DAO Frameworks Beta test.
    • Initiate coordination with ApeBond and ICHI for liquidity pool setup.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Begin initial scoping and setup for web3 integration, including user wallet provider and web3 login features.
    • Start planning for the switch to Radom for payment processing, including initial technical evaluations and integration strategy.
  • Legal documentation finalized and distributed.
  • Recruitment campaign launched.
  • Technical planning for web3 integration and payment processing begun.

Week 3-4 (Sep 11 - Sep 22):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Start beta tests on Colony, App.cg, and Charmverse, with active community participation.
    • Collect early feedback from beta participants.
    • Finalize partnership agreements with ApeBond and ICHI.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Develop and test web3 login and wallet integration on a staging environment.
    • Begin integration of Radom as the web3 payment processor, including preliminary tests.
    • Set up the initial framework for redeploying the marketplace using Catalyst.dev.
  • Beta tests initiated.
  • Early feedback collected.
  • Web3 login and wallet integration development initiated.
  • Radom payment processing integration started.

Week 5-6 (Sep 25 - Oct 6):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Launch funding campaign to raise $100,000 for liquidity pool.
    • Continue monitoring and optimizing beta tests.
    • Begin setting up the KPI dashboard with live data feeds.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Complete web3 login and wallet integration, ready for deployment.
    • Complete the switch to Radom for payment processing, with end-to-end testing.
    • Begin migrating the ProductShare marketplace to the Catalyst.dev platform.
  • Funding campaign launched.
  • Web3 integration and payment processing near completion.
  • Marketplace migration to Catalyst.dev initiated.

Week 7-8 (Oct 9 - Oct 20):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Prepare for liquidity pool launch, assuming funding target is met.
    • Finalize updated whitepaper and roadmap.
    • Conduct final user tests on DAO platforms and decide on the preferred platform.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Finalize and test the redeployed marketplace on Catalyst.dev.
    • Integrate web3 login, wallet provider, and Radom payment processing into the marketplace.
    • Prepare the marketplace for relaunch, coordinating with the liquidity pool launch.
  • Final decision on DAO platform.
  • Whitepaper and roadmap finalized.
  • Marketplace redeployment completed and integrated with new features.

Week 9-10 (Oct 23 - Nov 3):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Officially launch the liquidity pool, ensuring it is properly integrated and operational.
    • Publish the updated whitepaper and roadmap.
    • Begin onboarding token holders and community members onto the selected DAO platform.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Relaunch the ProductShare marketplace with full web3 capabilities and Radom payment integration.
    • Monitor post-launch performance of both the marketplace and liquidity pool.
  • Liquidity pool launched.
  • Marketplace relaunched with new features.
  • Onboarding onto DAO platform initiated.

Week 11-12 (Nov 6 - Nov 17):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Monitor liquidity pool performance and make necessary adjustments.
    • Continue onboarding users onto the DAO platform and provide ongoing support.
    • Gather post-launch feedback and plan next steps.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Ensure ongoing stability and performance of the relaunched marketplace.
    • Begin post-launch optimization based on user feedback and performance data.
  • Liquidity pool performing as expected.
  • Marketplace stable and operational.
  • Initial post-launch review completed.

Week 13-14 (Nov 20 - Dec 1):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Drive the next phase of fundraising, aiming to raise additional funds beyond the initial $100,000.
    • Intensify marketing efforts to increase the marketplace’s Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) to $50,000 per month by December.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Continue optimizing the marketplace to support increased user traffic and transaction volumes.
    • Implement additional features based on user feedback to enhance the user experience.
  • Fundraising target increased and campaign launched.
  • Marketplace GMV target of $50,000 per month reached.

Week 15-16 (Dec 4 - Dec 15):
  • Operational Objectives:
    • Secure any additional partnerships or strategic alliances to support ongoing growth.
    • Review overall performance and refine strategies based on the outcomes of the past months.
  • Technical Milestones:
    • Finalize any remaining technical enhancements or optimizations.
    • Begin planning for the next phase of product development and market expansion.
  • Successful fundraising campaign completion.
  • Strategic partnerships secured.
  • Plans for the next phase of development initiated.

This timeline strategically aligns operational and technical goals, ensuring that the ProductShare marketplace relaunch and the liquidity pool launch occur smoothly, with sufficient time to achieve higher fundraising targets and a GMV of $50,000 monthly by December.
To be published later