PRODUCTSHARE: A Community-Governed Online Payments Protocol and Marketplace
Platform That Maximizes Public Benefit, Profitability and Social Impact of Retail E-Commerce.
PRODUCTSHARE: A Community-Governed Online Payments Protocol and Marketplace Platform That Maximizes Public Benefit, Profitability and Social Impact of Retail E-Commerce.
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Nov 21, 2021 © iPRODUCTSHARE Inc.

Table Of Contents


This paper describes a blockchain-enabled implementation of a business infrastructure and an electronic payments platform that embodies the principles of Conscious Capitalism [4] as they apply to Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) and Online Retail Marketplaces. Conscious Capitalism defines businesses as organizations that have a purpose beyond just profitability.
Within this model, businesses exist for the purpose of improv- ing the lives of all Stakeholders equally. Stakeholders are defined as the people directly affected by the business, including employees, customers, shareholders/owners, suppliers, vendors, and the community/society at large. When a company practices Stakeholder integration, no single stakeholder group is more important than another [2].
On the basis of this definition, our paper describes a decentralized-able electronic ordering/payments protocol, called PRODUCTSHARE (PS).
The use case of this protocol, herein referred to as Product-sharing, utilize smart-contract technology to programmatically distribute value in real time among the transaction participants (i.e. from customers to vendors) and share profits among the Stakeholder groups per the above definition.
The PS Protocol automatically rewards participants with significant cash back rewards for sharing their purchases with their social networks at the time of order completion, so that when their social connections buy the same products the cashback re- ward is triggered. Current payment protocols do not allow for such robust profit sharing, and lack transparency between participants, and thus the paper presents a new and more reliable model of a functional Stablecoin.
Industry standard Stablecoin implementations lack the ability to issue, trade, and redeem digital tokens, with an audit updating in real time.
The PS Protocol utilizes a self-auditing Stablecoin called ShareCash (Symbol: <$ Ticker: PSC) to pay out cash back rewards and split remaining profits from the sale of a product or service equally and in real time among three Stakeholder groups: 1) Customer Community 2) Co-Creator Collective and 3) Charitable Causes.
Finally, a practical implementation of a governance model for a business organization on the basis of the PS Protocol is presented as an implementation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) model to automate organizational governance, decision making and fundraising.
This paper describes an improved model of a Public Benefit Corporation, the PRODUCTSHARE DAO (PS DAO) and the structure for its governance us- ing a blockchain-enabled governance/utility token, hereinafter referred to as StakeShare (Symbol: <S Ticker: PSS).
As part of the initial offering of PSS to the customers community we describe an Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO) of PSS for the purpose of raising the capital required for building a decentralized profit-sharing and fundraising protocol called ProductStake (herein referred to as Product-staking or P-STAKE) and the ProductStake.com Platform.
Product-staking automates the scaling of digital product pro- motion and consequently the scaling of their sales volume by allowing PSS token holders to invest in the success of individual products or services by lending/supplying the cash liquidity needed for their promotion in exchange for a share of the profit proportional to the amount of liquidity supplied in the form of ShareCash.